Controvento S.c.s

The Social Enterprise CONTROVENTO Onlus born in 2015 from the desire and commitment of professional members that want to spend their skills in the socio-psycho-pedagogical field and to create services of which the territory of Catania showed profound deficiencies. The Social Enterprise CONTROVENTO Onlus is committed to improving the quality of people's lives. Main areas of the services, thanks to a multidisciplinary team, are the following: ABA-Applied Behaviour Analysis, the Academy of autonomy and work ​placement, Training courses, psychological support and support for families. Our cooperative participates in the Erasmus+ programming through some projects.

size (employees nr.)
< 50
Availability to host trainees
Duration of the internship / thesis activity
2 months
3-6 months
> 6 months
Company's contact
Address of the internship / thesis
Via san Paolo n. 29, Catania -CT, Italy
Contact person
Dott. Daniele Mazzeo
Country company
EUNICE partner e-mail of destination
EUNICE contact
The specification given below refers to general offers for internships. Please check, if any, the 'Open call for internship/thesis' tab for a specific internship.
Required language skills
English A2
Italian A2
Spanish A2
Level of study
Availability to host students for thesis
Progetto Sollievo
Brief description
Il "Progetto Sollievo" ha lo scopo di iniziare a vivere autonomamente.
Il progetto offre l'opportunità di vivere autonomamente in un piccolo gruppo, all'interno di un contesto protetto e accogliente come una casa.
È stato ideato un progetto educativo personalizzato e individualizzato per ogni singolo utente, che prevede il lavoro su obiettivi a breve e lungo termine.
Internship start date