EUNICE international Internships portal - EIR

Disclaimer: This portal aims to foster international traineeships of the EUNICE European University's students (bachelor, master, Ph.D.). The EUNICE offer for international traineeships includes at this moment +200 companies and institutions, and, in some cases, offers can be found also for high school students and graduated from the EUNICE partner universities. Please note that the administrative/financial issues related to the mobility are not handled via the portal but need to be addressed at each home University by consulting the International Relations Offices (for funding opportunities) and the students' registration or examination offices (for administrative issues). Useful links can be found here:

Displaying 61 - 80 of 228


Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
El C.E.I.P. Gerardo Diego es un colegio público de educación primaria e infantil donde cursan estudios alumnado entre los dos y los doce años. En nuestro colegio, intentamos atender a cada estudiante...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Las Cámaras de Comercio en España, son una pieza fundamental en la articulación y desarrollo de las políticas públicas que se adoptan para favorecer el espíritu emprendedor, la...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
Als Wohlfahrtsverband der katholischen Kirche sind wir im Feld der Sozialen Arbeit in Südbrandenburg tätig. Unsere Angebote erstrecken sich von der Schwangerschaftsberatung über Angebote für junge...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Cavagrande S.p.A. is è un'azienda di imbottigliamento e commercializzazione di Acqua Minerale Naturale con sede a Milo, in provincia di Catania, Sicilia, Sud Italia....
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months

El CEIP Marina de Cudeyo es un colegio público de educación infantil y primaria situado en Rubayo, Cantabria, que acoge alrededor de 300 alumnos del ayuntamiento de Marina de Cudeyo. Nuestro...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months
centro sordità azienda, nel settore sanitario; ci occupiamo di protesi acustiche, impianti cocleari, tutto quello che riguardo l'apparato uditivo., orecchie.
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months, > 6 months

La missione del Centro Pio La Torre è quella di valorizzare il patrimonio ideale e politico segnato dalla vita e dall'opera di Pio La Torre, realizzando e promuovendo studi, iniziative e ricerche...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months

Asociación empresarial dedicada a la defensa y representación de los intereses de empresas y profesionales ante las Administraciones Públicas y el resto de sectores de la sociedad en Cantabria....

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ambroise Paré, hôpital général public situé à Mons, offre un large éventail de soins et de services hospitaliers et extrahospitaliers, généraux et spécialisés,...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Il Circolo didattico "Mario Rapisardi" di Catania è scuola dell'infanzia e primaria. Ha un unico plesso: un piano giardino con 8 sezioni di scuola dell'infanzia, di cui tre comunali, e tre piani...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Nous croyons en une AI qui permet aux gestionnaires d’infrastructures routières de faire de la route un lieu plus sure mieux partagé et plus fluide. En utilisant les dernières technologies en...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
> 6 months

"COLAS to światowy lider w branży drogowej, zatrudniający ponad 60.000 pracowników na całym świecie. Na rynku polskim rozpoczął swoją aktywność w 1997 roku. Obecnie funkcjonuje i rozwija...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
Somos un Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria de Santander. Contamos con 50 profesionales y 470 alumnas y alumnos: dos aulas de 2 años, seis de Ed.Infantil (3, 4 y 5 años) y doce de Ed.Primaria (...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

The Viseu Dão Lafões Intermunicipal Community is a regional government organization, formed by 14 municipalities of the center region of Portugal.

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

The Social Enterprise CONTROVENTO Onlus born in 2015 from the desire and commitment of professional members that want to spend their skills in the socio-psycho-pedagogical field and to create...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

The Centro Studi Lingua Italiana - Federico II comes froms the entrepreneurial idea of ​​a young team of teachers specialized in foreign languages ​​and teaching of Italian language. Our keywords...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months
Die Cottbuser Hochdruck GmbH (CHD) wurde 1993 gegründet. Unser Leistungsprofil erstreckt sich vom Rohrleitungsbau im Bereich Gas, Wasser und Fernwärme bis hin zum Anlagenbau. Dabei orientiert sich...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

Die Deutsche Bahn übernimmt mit ihrer Konzernstrategie „Starke Schiene“ ökologische und soziale Verantwortungen. Deutschland wird seine Klimaziele nur erreichen,...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months