EUNICE international Internships portal - EIR

Disclaimer: This portal aims to foster international traineeships of the EUNICE European University's students (bachelor, master, Ph.D.). The EUNICE offer for international traineeships includes at this moment +200 companies and institutions, and, in some cases, offers can be found also for high school students and graduated from the EUNICE partner universities. Please note that the administrative/financial issues related to the mobility are not handled via the portal but need to be addressed at each home University by consulting the International Relations Offices (for funding opportunities) and the students' registration or examination offices (for administrative issues). Useful links can be found here:

Displaying 161 - 180 of 228

Historia naszej firmy sięga 1986 roku. W ciągu ostatnich trzech dekad staliśmy się jednym z największych producentów opakowań foliowych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Zatrudniamy ponad 300 osób, a...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Portolano Cavallo fournit des conseils juridiques aux entreprises opérant dans des secteurs complexes et en constante évolution : il est leader dans les secteurs du numérique, des médias et de la...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:

Il Presidio Partecipativo del Patto di Fiume Simeto è una rete di associazioni e singoli cittadini della Valle del Fiume Simeto (ubicata tra le province di Catania ed...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
La Pro Loco di Lentini è un Ente del Terzo settore appartenente alla rete associativa Unpli, con oltre 600.000 soci e 6.200 Pro Loco distribuite in tutto il Territorio Nazionale. A Lentini opera, sia...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
La Pro Loco est une association bénévole, qui exerce son activité, qui doit toujours être à but non lucratif, dans le cadre de secteurs nombreux et variés : du tourisme à la culture, au social,...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

L'association touristique Pro Loco Vittoria a pour objectif de valoriser et de promouvoir le territoire de Vittoria et Scoglitti. Au cours de ces deux années, il a grandi en créant une synergie...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months


Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
The office of Prof. Dr. Carmelo Giuffrida is an independent organization with a design approach dedicated exclusively to the Sciences of the Human Movement and to all...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
RC Media srl è una società di consulenza direzionale specializzata in servizi di consulenza legale societaria, fiscale, tributaria e strategica alle imprese ed agli Enti pubblici, anche in operazioni...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
> 6 months
Projektujemy, produkujemy i serwisujemy zabudowy do pojazdów użytkowych i przyczep. Tworzymy i dostarczamy rozwiązania, które przyczyniają się do dynamicznego rozwoju biznesów naszych klientów....
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

Rete InCampagna, Sustainable Production Network and Solidarity Offer, is a network of entities born in 2014. We are prevalently engaged in the field of organic direct sales, in a short supply...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months

Nel cuore della Sicilia, a cavallo tra le province di Enna e Caltanissetta e lungo il corso del fiume Imera meridionale, si estende uno dei maggiori polmoni verdi dell’isola, la Riserva Naturale...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
> 6 months


Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
> 6 months
La actividad principal de la empresa es la fabricación de Prefabricados de Hormigón, tanto para Obra Civilcomo para Edificación
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
Rolls-Royce ist eines der weltweit führenden Antriebs- und Energieunternehmen. Unsere Technologien spielen eine grundlegende Rolle, um den Übergang zu einer kohlenstoffarmen Weltwirtschaft zu...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

RSM Società di Revisione e Organizzazione Contabile S.p.A. è un membro attivo di RSM International, network di società tra loro indipendenti, specializzate in revisione e organizzazione contabile...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Somos fabricantes de equipamiento de inspección técnica de vehículos (ITV). Llevamos haciéndolo desde 1982. Nos dedicamos al diseño, desarrollo, fabricación, instalación y mantenimiento de estos...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
Despacho de abogados. Consultora legal.
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
Un’antica dimora nobiliare, a pochi passi da Piazza Duomo, trasformata in un Hotel a Ragusa Ibla 4 stelle, con un ampio ed incontaminato giardino, per una vacanza indimenticabile all’insegna del...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:

Santander Teleport es un proveedor de servicios de comunicaciones por satélite para operadores satelitales, proveedores de servicios, empresas y organizaciones gubernamentales, con telepuerto y...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months