EUNICE international Internships portal - EIR

Disclaimer: This portal aims to foster international traineeships of the EUNICE European University's students (bachelor, master, Ph.D.). The EUNICE offer for international traineeships includes at this moment +200 companies and institutions, and, in some cases, offers can be found also for high school students and graduated from the EUNICE partner universities. Please note that the administrative/financial issues related to the mobility are not handled via the portal but need to be addressed at each home University by consulting the International Relations Offices (for funding opportunities) and the students' registration or examination offices (for administrative issues). Useful links can be found here:

Displaying 201 - 220 of 227
Firma SWIATEK powstała w 1978 roku w Bydgoszczy. Dziś jest to firma rodzinna, zatrudniająca ponad 30 pracowników. Realizuje kilka projektów badawczo-rozwojowych we współpracy z Politechniką Poznańską...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Dopo sole 11 edizioni, Taobuk è oggi annoverato tra le principali manifestazioni culturali in Italia ed è l’unico festival letterario ad aver ideato e prodotto, grazie alla media partnership con RAI...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
Target Rent propose des locations à court, moyen et long terme ; possède un réseau national et international d'environ 52 sites, dont 3 entreprises et les 49 restants affiliés
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Fondata nel 2003 per fornire servizi a privati, enti pubblici, imprese attraverso il patrimonio tecnico-culturale che i singoli professionisti componenti la società, hanno acquisito nel corso delle...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

“TemixEngineeringSrl"è una società a responsabilità limitata con oltre due decenni di esperienza nell’ingegneria, progettazione e produzione di sistemi di comunicazione satellitari e wireless,...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
L’associazione culturale Cantina Sperimentale Iblea, nasce a Noto in provincia di Siracusa il 24 aprile del 2012, con l’...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Le cabinet "Joiris Rousseaux & Co" est un cabinet de réviseurs d’entreprises de taille moyenne.


Le cabinet est actuellement implanté sur 3 sites en Wallonie et utilise...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:

L’Accademia Italiana, fondata nel 1984, è un centro boutique di lingua e cultura italiana che offre lezioni di lingua di alta qualità con insegnanti altamente qualificati ed esperti.Si trova nel...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months


Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months

Siamo un’azienda di servizi e soluzioni ad alta innovazione tecnologica.

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Transalley, est un technopole labellisé Parc d’innovation Hauts-de-France. Ce technopôle propose des services et des équipements répondant aux plus hauts standards des parcs scientifiques...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months

MASTERBOSS ITALIA is data-driven lateral thinking. It is technological innovation. It is integration of tools. MASTERBOSS ITALIA is led by professionals who want to be useful. MASTERBOSS ITALIA...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Turnè è un'agenzia di servizi turistici con sede a Noto e tra i vari settori si occupa della fruizione e della valorizzazione del Museo Civico di Noto, Sezione Medievale. Il Museo è Comunale ma...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months
UKA plant, baut, betreut und betreibt Wind- und Solarparks und die dazugehörige Infrastruktur. Am Standort Cottbus werden die Projekte vorrangig geplant. Dabei fallen die Arbeiten in vier...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months, > 6 months
UKYFU es una empresa de ingeniería con ADN de competición, especialistas en innovación y desarrollo en los distintos campos de la ingeniería.Estrechamente relacionados...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

With the approval and entry into force of Law 281 of 30 July 1998 which established the National Council of Consumers and Users (CNCU) and legitimized consumer associations to act to protect...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months


Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
> 6 months

The coop. company “VA.LI.CA.” is a type A cooperative and manages social services, welfare services for the elderly and disabled, educational, social-health and entertainment services, aimed at...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
3-6 months

Depuis 1999, VALUTEC se positionne comme « Centre d’innovation et d’essais technologiques » et met à votre disposition ses compétences humaines et ses plateformes techniques pour accompagner vos...

Duration of the internship / thesis activity:
2 months, 3-6 months, > 6 months
Vera Salus Ricerca S.r.l. (VSR) è una biotechnology discovery company specializzata nella ricerca biomedica traslazionale finalizzata allo sviluppo di farmaci innovativi per il trattamento delle...
Duration of the internship / thesis activity: